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Project creation

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The projects of HPCLAB - Complexus group must have the next structure:

Project Project name
    bin Binaries generated
    doc Documentation for the project
        api API documentation of the source code
        fig Directory with the figures, images, etc. of the project
        references.bib File with the references (bibliographic) of the project in bibtex style
    lib Directory with the libraries generated by the project
    script Directory with the scripts
    src Source directory
        examples sources of examples
        tests sources of tests
    Readme.txt Readme file with the general description of the project
    .gitignore Rules to avoid some files in the repository

This script creates a project directory structure. To use the script:

  1. Download the file and change the extension from .png to .sh mv StructureCreation.png
  2. Give execution permissions to the file chmod 755
  3. execute the script ./StructureCreation <ProjectName> [path]
    where <ProjectName> is a mandatory parameter and [path] is optional