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FIRST, FMRIb's Registration & Segmentation Tool, is a FSL application to extract some subcortical structures based on shape models. They application have 15 different subcortical structures. Official user guide

L_Accu Left Accumbens area L_Amyg Left Amygdala L_Caud Left Caudate Nucleus
L_Hipp Left Hippocampus L_Pall Left Pallidum L_Puta Left Putamen
L_Thal Left Thalamus R_Accu Right Accumbens area R_Amyg Right Amygdala
R_Caud Right Caudate Nucleus R_Hipp Right Hippocampus R_Pall Right Pallidum
R_Puta Right Putamen R_Thal Right Thalamus BrStem Brain Stem

labels used by FSL-First

In order to run the tool:

 [~~]$ run_first_all [options] -i <input_image> -o <output_image>
 Optional arguments:
   -m <method>      : method must be one of auto, fast, none or a (numerical) threshold value
   -b               : input is already brain extracted
   -s <name>        : run only on one specified structure (e.g. L_Hipp) or a comma separated list (no 
   -a <img2std.mat> : use affine matrix (do not re-run registration)
   -3               : use 3-stage affine registration (only currently for hippocampus)
   -d               : do not cleanup image output files (useful for debugging)
   -v               : verbose output
   -h               : display this help message

for example to extract the left hippocampus and amygdala:

 [~~]$ run_first_all -b -s L_Hipp,L_Amyg -i structural_brain.nii.gz -o structural-seg

This command executes the FIRST tool segmenting the left hippocampus and the left amygdala. In order to view this results type the following command in a terminal:

 [~~]$ fslview structural_brain structural-seg-L_Hipp_first structural-seg-L_Amyg_first &


The figure illustrates the segmentation of Left Amygdala in red and Left Hippocampus in green.