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Disorders of consciousness dataset

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The disorder of consciousness dataset is collection of studies (images and other files) which contains the information acquired by the COMA group at University of Liège at Bruxelles, Belgique. The dataset is divided in anatomical and functional images. The collection is composed by Control subjects (CTRL prefix), Unresponsive State subjects (VS prefix) and minimally conscious state subjects (MCS prefix).


  • Server: hpclab-server
  • Path: /var/data/brain/coma
  • Results Path: /home/dmartinez/data/results/coma
  • Data structure: There is a directory for each subject in the study in both path and results path. The next description is for the results path. Inside is a results directory with the results of different process made over the images. Next list presents the global folders hierarchy
    • FreeSurfer: Directory to keep the freesurfer results, for a detailed description see FreesurferExercise
    • fsl: Directory to keep the fsl results
    • histo: Directory to keep the result of Histograms computation
    • interval: Directory to keep the interval results
    • log.txt: log file result of freesurfer computation

Jamuna's Thalami Segmentations

The dataset has 23 MCS Subjects and 19 VS/UWS Subjects. The segmentations were made manually, and the labels for both structures (left and right thalamus) were 1.