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(6. Particle system animation according to vector fields)
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== 6. Particle system animation according to vector fields ==
== 6. Particle system animation according to vector fields ==
[[File:particle.png|thumb|180px|Iso-Surface, climate]]
[[File:particle.png|thumb|180px|Particle system, climate]]
[[File:particle2.jpg|thumb|180px|Iso-surface, tomography]]
[[File:particle3.jpg|thumb|180px|Particle system, wind]]
[[File:particle3.jpg|thumb|180px|Iso-surface, Magnetic resonance]]The aim is to create a system of particles which begin in a random position and they move in a direction determined by a wind field 3D. The program receive an array of 3D vector data which correspond to wind information in each point of the space. Each particle, given its position, move in pre-defined direction by wind vector, which is interpolated from near values to the particle position. The color of each particle depend of its scalar velocity. When the timestep is changed the particles follow to new wind field associated.
[[File:particle4.jpg|thumb|180px|Particle system, smoke]]The aim is to create a system of particles which begin in a random position and they move in a direction determined by a wind field 3D. The program receive an array of 3D vector data which correspond to wind information in each point of the space. Each particle, given its position, move in pre-defined direction by wind vector, which is interpolated from near values to the particle position. The color of each particle depend of its scalar velocity. When the timestep is changed the particles follow to new wind field associated.
=== Objectives ===
=== Objectives ===

Revision as of 18:35, 1 June 2015

Final projects proposed for the inter-semestral version (2015) of the Computer Graphics course in the Universidad Central


1. Digital Elevation Model rendering including projected smoothed coastal, political and hydrographic lines

Top view elevation map with isolines. Source: Google Maps
Fractal elevation map with ad hoc palette-
The goal of this project is the rendering and navigation of a digital terrain elevation model generated from real data (Global 30 Arc-Second Elevation (GTOPO30) data, resolution: 30 \texttt{m}^{2}), applying a predefined palette according to the elevation of each particular region. The render process should consider an illumination model and 3D projected overlays (iso-, political, coastal and hydrographical lines)


  • Implement an algorithm for elevation mesh generation from GTOPO30 data
  • Design a model for palette index assignation according to the elevation of each vertex
  • Propose an illumination model for landscape rendering (outdoors)
  • Implement an algorithm to display overlays according to line projection over the 3D surface
  • Design and implement a real-time navigation model over the generated relief

Required Data

  • Global 30 Arc-Second Elevation (GTOPO30) [1]

2. Volume rendering of 3D climate variable fields

Volume rendering sample
Volume rendering sample
Advance volume rendering
The aim of this project is the rendering and navigation a 3D field. This is visualization by applying a palette which establish what objects or structures may be seen. The user can choose a palette of a set predefined of these. The main idea is to enhance the visualization of different structures depending of the selected palette.


  • Implement a algorithm for volume rendering given a 4D scalar field
  • Build a scene which is composed by a map and a 3D fluid field over the map.
  • Implement a collection of RGBA color palettes.
  • Design widget to control of time animation.
  • Propose a system to select a predefined palette.
  • Implement a navigation scheme airplane based.


  1. Formulation problem, Methodoly and class diagram (10%)
  2. Scenario (parser of datafiles: shorelines, field 4D, palettes) (10%)
  3. Management of collection palette (10%)
  4. Implement Volume rendering strategy (10%)
  5. Redefinition of camera model and data allocation (10%)
  6. Final delivery (20%)


  • Shorelines of south-America and Caribbean.
  • Field 4D (XX latitudes, YY longitudes, ZZ levels, and TT timestep)
  • Given palettes pre-designed collection

3. Construction and rendering of 3D iso-surfaces from volumetric scalar and vector fields

Iso-Surface, climate
Iso-surface, tomography
Iso-surface, Magnetic resonance

The aim is to build and rendering a mesh given a field 3D. The render of the mesh, should include a illumination scheme, material modeling, and the use of a color palette, in order to view a advanced visualization of a vector field 3D.


  • Implement a algorithm for build a iso-surface mesh given a 3D scalar field
  • Build a scene which is composed by a map and a 3D scalar field over the map.
  • Management a color palette related to field intensity.
  • Propose a material and illumination model
  • Implement a navigation scheme airplane based.
  • Design widget to change the field value.


  1. Formulation problem, methodoly and class diagram (10%)
  2. Scenario (parser of datafiles: shorelines, field 3D, palettes) (10%)
  3. Implement illumination, material model, and management of collection palette (10%)
  4. Redefinition of camera model (10%)
  5. Implement a iso-surface algorithm (10%)
  6. Final delivery (20%)


  • Shorelines of south-America and Caribbean.
  • Field 3D (XX latitudes, YY longitudes, and ZZ levels)
  • Given a palette for field intensity

4. Cloud generation, rendering and optical properties simulation

TODO: (Hugo)


  • ...


5. Rendering and animation of hierarchical articulated models (case study: human skeleton from Kinect realtime video)

TODO: (Hugo)


  • ...


6. Particle system animation according to vector fields

Particle system, climate
Particle system, wind
Particle system, smoke
The aim is to create a system of particles which begin in a random position and they move in a direction determined by a wind field 3D. The program receive an array of 3D vector data which correspond to wind information in each point of the space. Each particle, given its position, move in pre-defined direction by wind vector, which is interpolated from near values to the particle position. The color of each particle depend of its scalar velocity. When the timestep is changed the particles follow to new wind field associated.


  • Implement a algorithm for move a particle system given a 3D vector field
  • Build a scene which is composed by a map and a 3D scalar field over the map.
  • Management a color palette related to wind velocity.
  • Implement a navigation scheme airplane based.
  • Design widget to control of time animation.


  1. Formulation problem, methodology and class diagram (10%)
  2. Scenario (parser of datafiles: shorelines, field 3D, palettes) (10%)
  3. Redefinition of camera model (10%)
  4. Implement a iso-surface algorithm (10%)
  5. Implement widget to change the timestep and data allocation (10%)
  6. Final delivery (20%)


  • Shorelines of south-America and Caribbean.
  • Field 4D (XX latitudes, YY longitudes, ZZ levels, and TT timestep)
  • A palette related to velocity of the wind

7. Advanced rendering with local texture mapping

TODO: (Hugo)


  • ...


8. Human brain tractography from diffusion tensor data (MRI)

TODO: (Jorge)


  • ...
