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Support to therapeutic intervention in multiple sclerosis using computer vision technologies

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Project summary


Propose and validate a method for postural control assessment via stabilometry analysis using a body mass distribution model in conjunction with a Kinect-based skeleton tracking framework to support physical therapy procedures.


The use of computational technology in medicine is becoming a trend in last years thanks to the increasing capabilities of modern computers at an affordable price in conjunction with a growing number of engineering developments focused in biomedical applications. In physical disability, computers along with variety of electronic systems such as sensors, screens and controls have demonstrated to be a strong support in rehabilitation either for patients or physicians. Patients benefit from virtual reality environments that stimulate the adherence to rehabilitation programs, on the other hand physicians and therapists can take advantage of digital data registration related to objective measures that may provide reproducibility and improve accuracy of their diagnostics.


This project propose the development of a computational system based on Kinect technology able to estimate relevant objective measures in PD such as COM and COG. Kinect device is known to be a portable system with an important impact in rehabilitation processes; furthermore, our project contemplate the integration of a mass-distribution model that in conjunction with kinematic data of Kinect make the system able to calculate COM and COG in a satisfactory way. To validate the accuracy of obtained measures, a direct comparison will be performed against data generated in the motion analysis laboratory of Universidad Central. To evaluate the effectiveness regarding to its clinical use, a case study with 10 patients of Fundación para la Esclerosis Múltiple FUNDEM will be implemented at the final stage of development.

Potential Impact

If a good performance is achieved in terms of accurate measures and potential benefits in clinical use, physicians and therapists might consider the implementation of the proposed application in a massive way. In case of such production, the benefits of this computational system can be extended beyond a local area and help to support rehabilitation and assessment of other PD diseases such as Parkinson, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, etc.

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